Becket Conservation Commission ~ Minutes to Meeting
April 15, 2010 ~ The Meeting is called to order at 6:30 PM. ~ Commissioners Present: Purr McEwen, Chair; Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner and Agent; Marty Winters; Richard Pryor ~ Members absent: Scott Morley, Vice Chair; Bud Moylan; Nina Weiler |
Meeting opened at 6:30 P.M.
1. Approval of the minutes of the 3/18/10 meeting.
Purr motioned to accept Marty seconded, all in favor.
2. Continued Request for Determination CSX Transportation Inc. CSX Right-
of-Way Approval for boundaries of resource areas for vegetation management DEP #102-360
Kathy and Rich conducted a site visit by car and some walking along the rail. The no-spray areas were marked in the buffer zone and as previously decided, painted for better visibility. The ones that were accessible on the site visit were done to the Commission’s satisfaction. Steven Herzog, the Consulting Engineer for AMEC reviewed the areas inaccessible by foot and reported back to the Commission.
Purr motioned for a Positive Determination of Applicability, seconded by Richard, all in favor.
3. Notice of Intent Michael Lavery Robinwood West Map 213 lot 109
Construction of a single family residence, well, septic system, wind generation
facility and all associated project grading
John Prenosil of JMP presenting on behalf of the applicant. He is proposing a single family home and wind generation facility. New plans were submitted while awaiting comments of NHESP which had no concerns. As for the forest cutting plan requested by the Commission, since it was not on the revised map, he requested it to be part of the Order of Conditions. The shaded areas of the map are wetland resource areas. The stream does not show up on the USGS maps and is considered intermittent. There is a pervious access road with a 20’x20’ compound with a fence concrete slab for the tower???. There will be a silt sock as opposed to a silt fence. Richard expressed concern whether the four feet underground trench (going from the wind tower to the house) was necessary. Usually
the trenches are 30” and he is questioning why the plans show 48’. Mr. Prenosil will do 30” if possible, depending on the frost. Richard wants that to be reflected in the plan. Also noted that if there were any major revisions necessary at the site such as additional utility poles in the resource areas or any additional conduit be necessary, then an Amended Order of Conditions would be required. The only jurisdictional area is the trenching and the pad. In the slope area the Commission is requesting no more than 30% of the forest be removed to avoid erosion. Mr. Prenosil reviewed the comments submitted by Conservation, most of which had been addressed at the site and accepted.
Purr motioned to approve the NOI with Becket Standard Conditions; any significant changes must come before the commission for review; buffer zone to wetland bordering rocks is the 50’ no cut zone that is to be part of the deed for the property making it a covenant; 2nd 50 feet closest to the house is to have no more than 30 per cent of the current forest cover removed, seconded by Richard, all in favor.
4. Request for Determination of Applicability David and Lynn Brewer 92 Will
Scarlet Drive Map 216 lot 143 Septic system upgrade—installation of a
Seasonal tight tank
Mike Kulig, Berkshire Engineering representing. Mark reviewed the map. Because of the layout of the lot, there are limitations and therefore the tank cannot be relocated.
Purr Motioned for Negative Determination of Applicability, seconded by Richard, all in favor.
5. Request for Determination of Applicability Robert Benton Algerie Road
Map 219 lots 230 Installation of a stationary pier/dock
Mr. Benton has a vacant lot on Indian Lake. He doesn’t intend to build but would like to put in a dock. Prior owners had installed a dock without a permit and he is here to get the permit. It will be aluminum construction with seeded decking. It will be put in the spring and removed in the fall. He is proposing a 10x4 section the touches the shore, 10’ wide and 20’ deep. It will be only four feet wide at the bank. The current dock will be part of this structure.
Purr motioned for a Negative Determination of Applicability, seconded by Richard, all in favor.
6. Notice of Intent Jacob’s Pillow (Mark Constable) 358 George Carter Road DEP # 102-361 Map 407 lot 16 Expansion of the existing main gravel parking lot; new access
Road to said parking lot
Marc Volk, Mark Constable representing. Revisions were made to the plans after the site visit as well as additional fees submitted as requested by Mark Stinson, DEP. They are proposing an expansion of the lot as well as more access. A restriction includes a BVW that drains into an intermittent stream as well as a perennial stream with a 100’ buffer zone and a mountain swale. An access road will have a gravel surface outside of Conservation jurisdiction; no alterations will be made to the riverfront area. There is also a proposed utility pole outside jurisdiction. However, the new plan reflects this project as going into the river front area. Some revisions that were made after the site visit include not going through the hemlocks and upland forest which they hope to maintain. There
still exists the same crossing, same design and a laminate bridge which will meet all stream crossing requirements. Boulder walls are proposed to minimize disturbance. While they drop down to about a thousand feet of alteration, they bump up to about 4700 feet of river front but the closest they will be to the river front is 160 feet. No impervious surface is proposed in jurisdictional areas. He demonstrated where storm water goes to a storm water quality basin. There will be 1600square feet of BVW replication. DEP suggested additional forms to be submitted and this is also requested by the Commission . An NOI with EPA also needs to be submitted for additional storm water management. Driveway permit applications also need to be applied for and might present an obstacle due to specifications that need to be met. Concern was expressed that DEP hasn’t seen the final plan. There was also a request that all changes be documented and
submitted to the Commission. Erosion controls placement behind the parking lot needs to be submitted as well as field data forms and the monitoring for the replication.
Motion by Purr to approve the NOI with the following conditions: Becket Standard Conditions; SCB 2 erosion controls be placed on the backside of the employee parking lot for a clear delineation of work; monitoring for replication area be done by a professional with a minimum of 5 years of experience in the construction of wetland replication to monitor the construction of the area and to visit the site. After the first visit and yearly for the next three years a written report needs to be submitted to the Commission each time. Field data forms also need to be submitted, seconded by Richard, all in favor.
7. Notice of Intent John Amato Becket Woods Road and Maintenance District
Beech Tree Lane Map 407 Installation of a culvert
Motion by Purr to continue with applicant’s approval due to no DEP #, seconded by Marty, all in favor.
8. Notice of Intent John Amato Becket Woods Road and Maintenance District
Access Road/Farmstead Road Map 407 lot 8 Replacement of a culvert
No one present.
Motion by Purr to continue with applicant’s approval, seconded by Rich, all in favor.
9. Administrative Business
- Update of Becket Woods violation Map 407 lot 72 Enforcement Order ratification(s) if needed
Mark suggested an Enforcement Order. The Commission will order one.
- Discussion on Becket Woods Enforcement, Map 407 Lot 72
- Becket Woods, Beach Tree Lane Map 407 Lot 139
Purr motioned to ratify the Enforcement Order, seconded by Marty, all in favor.
- Juliet Grace on King Richard Drive. Mike Kulig representing. The owners fired all contractors and Berkshire Engineering mapped things out. While the project went wider than intended, it is not in BVW but more than permitted. He wanted advice from the Commission on what they would like to see. The owner wants to replant and make things right. Commission would like to see a restoration plan which Mike said will be presented at the next meeting.
Conservation funds were cut by the town but they can still access funds in the Wetland Account.
Motion to close the Meeting made by Purr, seconded by Richard with all in favor.
Meeting closed at 8:08
Purr McEwen, Chair Date
Scott Morley, Vice Chair Date
Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner/Agent Date
Bud Moylan, Commissioner Date
Richard Pryor, Commissioner Date
Marty Winters, Commissioner Date
Nina Weiler, Commissioner Date
Respectfully Submitted,
Martie Martin